Full Moon in Virgo: Widening Perception

As the Moon is Full in Virgo, reflect on what sustains you. 

Relish in the ways that you tend to life and life tends to you.

We are greater than the sum of our parts and have access to much more than we give our senses credit for.

Across from the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces, this Virgo Moon is about clearing what prevents a deeper vision.

As the full Moon peaks, Chiron and the North Node come together in a conjunction in Aries that lasts for months and will not occur again for 50 years. The United States was born with Chiron in Aries,  so the ways we are being called to heal rejection and move beyond the tyranny of the possible has personal and collective dimensions. 

What is your relationship to scarcity now?

What self-limiting beliefs disconnect you from the power of your imagination? From the magic in the simplicity of the present?

Our power as creators lies in our capacity to understand the subtle choices that our lives are made of.

We can see our lives as poetry in motion and make choices that open us to the timelessness of our spirit… or we can chase some idea of perfection and be haunted by feelings of lack.

I believe our choices reverberate into the future and the past. That time is ever- changing in all directions.

When we are of service to ourselves from a principled place of affirming what is sacred, we open ourselves to the reciprocity of all of creation.

Our human experience is all we need to connect us to that epic vastness. It’s in the repetition of our mundane routines and what pours out of our aching hearts. 

We just have to feel it. 

What if there was nothing more beautiful than your capacity for sensation?

What if you let go of whatever ever pulls you from acceptance?

Not to become complacent. Quite the opposite. Our resistance to our own experience keeps us small. 

When we trust the power of our own imagination, we are sustained by an enlivening resistance to the external forces that keeps us from embodying our capacity as creators.

This full Moon, can you cherish the intricate fabric of life that YOU get to create with?

Maybe in that big bright love, you’ll even find some healing. 


New Moon in Pisces: Dreaming the World into Being


Venus conjuct Mars: Struggle for Unity